Witches’ Knickers!

Happy New Year everyone!

I started a new, full time job last year (right at the start of lockdown) and my blog posts have dried up as a result, (good job I’m using the free version of WordPress).

So I’ve tended to just post when I’ve got news, and guess what?

Yep. There’s news πŸ˜‰

I have published a collection of my short stories, now available on Amazon as an e-book (and soon in paperback too).

Martha is tidying the hedgerows while she tries to ignore what a mess her life is in.

Molly and her sisters are about to uncover a family secret.

Kelly is beginning to suspect that this spy training lark isn’t the fun adventure she’d hoped it would be.

Patsy is about to confront an old mistake.

Join them, and many other characters, in these fourteen contemporary short stories by Angela Wooldridge.

I should mention at this point that there aren’t any witches in it. Or knickers for that matter, but don’t let that put you off πŸ˜‰

This is a collection of my contemporary stories. Many have been published in national magazines, others have cropped up elsewhere, some haven’t been seen before. Just click the link for some entertaining, easy reads to lighten your life in lockdown!

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3 Responses to Witches’ Knickers!

  1. Congratulations! I’ll mention it in my next post. Feel free to send me buy links.


  2. emaginette says:

    They sound great. Good luck with the release. πŸ™‚

    Anna from elements of emaginette


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