Insecure Writer’s Support Group

That’s it. I’ve done it now.
Clicked the button and added my name to the ‘Insecure Writer’s Support Group’ list. Members of this group blog on the first Wednesday of every month about their writing hopes, dreams and fears. If I’ve done this right, the link at the bottom should put you through to everyone else on the list. (If I haven’t, then I’m doing the equivalent of having a wee over the side of a boat with the wind in the wrong direction…)

IWSG Badge

I’ve done my usual trick of lurking around the edges of something for ages, agonising over the simple, straightforward step of pressing that button.
(What if I screw up?
What if I don’t stick the badge in the right place?
What if…?
Just press the damn button.)

Well, now I’ve finally taken the plunge with a big splash, forgetting my waterwings.

Hello people of the IWSG.

I was on the verge of chickening out but that would have just put things off for another month.
So I’m here, if somewhat unprepared (if I have my skirt tucked into my pants, please just pretend it’s not happening. I won’t keep you long).
You see, I finally figured out that it might be a good idea to reach out and connect with some other writerly types instead of snivelling in my garret.

(That sounds needy doesn’t it.
I feel like I’m on a first date and failing miserably to find the right balance between humility and ego. Maybe later you can find me downing margaritas in the bar and discover my other extreme).

A couple of co-writerly pals blog here and have mentioned how much it has helped them. I know I need to get myself a bit more organised and set some targets (otherwise it’s very easy to witter along and just keep this big amorphous cloud called ‘the future’ ahead of me). Joining the IWSG was one of those targets.
Now I need to write myself a list so I can tick it off.

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13 Responses to Insecure Writer’s Support Group

  1. Hello, Angela, nice to meet you. Glad you took the plunge. The IWSG is fantastic. Have a great day!!


  2. Christina says:

    Since you were so nice, I figured I’d leave my first comment with you. That makes it even more first date-like.


  3. Christina says:

    Looks like the Internet ate the comment I just typed, so apologies if you get more than one.

    Since I got your first comment, I’ll give you mine. Very first date-like.


  4. Elsie says:

    I absolutely adored this post. I remember being so nervous that first IWSG post. I shared many of the same fears as you, those dreaded what ifs. Why won’t they just go away, leave us poor writers alone. Welcome to the group, we’re happy to have you!!

    co-host IWSG


  5. Denise Covey says:

    Hi there Angela. It’s lovely to meet you and see you’ve joined IWSG, a very supportive group. I hope you’re gaining in confidence. I see your comment on another blog–please don’t be shy commenting. We all love comments! I hope you’ll visit me soon.

    Denise 🙂


  6. Juneta says:

    Welcome Angela, I see you jumped on board. I was so surprised to see your comment on my blog. You did it! Wahoo. You blog looks good. Give me a shout out if you need anything or just want to chat again. You know where I am. Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog too.
    Juneta at Writer’s Gambit


  7. Welcome to the IWSG!! You are in the right place.
    (Sorry it took me so long to come by and welcome you. It is a very long list now.)
    That is the really cool thing about this group. You’ll be able to connect with other writers, make friends, and discover you are not alone.
    Glad you’re with us now!


    • Angela says:

      Hi Alex, no worries – this is the first time I’ve ever blog-hopped but I quickly discovered how busy it can be!Thanks for creating the group, it’s been great meeting people


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