IWSG September

Today is the first Wednesday of the month, when the

IWSG Badge…founded by Alex J Cavanaugh, blog about their hopes, dreams and fears. If you want to join this merry band of writers Click here to add your name to the list…
The awesome co-hosts for this month are; Julie Flanders, Murees Dupé, Dolorah at Book Lover, Christine Rains, and Heather Gardner!

I nearly didn’t get around to posting anything this month as I’m still scaling the laundry mountain we brought back from holiday, so I’m just going to leave you with this quote from Neil Gaiman, courtesy of Goodreads;

“Start telling the stories that only you can tell, because there’ll always be better writers than you and there’ll always be smarter writers than you. There will always be people who are much better at doing this or doing that – but you are the only you.

There are better writers than me out there, there are smarter writers, there are people who can plot better – there are all those kinds of things, but there’s nobody who can write a Neil Gaiman story like I can.”

Good advice in my opinion.

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7 Responses to IWSG September

  1. Juneta says:

    Love the quote, grabbed for my quote file. Good advice, lol.
    Happy IWSG day!
    Juneta Writer’s Gambit


  2. Excellent advice from Neil. I need to remember that more often. 🙂


  3. dolorah says:

    True, only you can tell the story that you want to write. You will tell it well.

    Good luck with the laundry.


  4. Anna says:

    Very nicely put. I just chant to myself, there is always a bigger fish. It’s from Star Wars and for some reason I can’t let it go. 🙂

    Anna from Elements of Writing


  5. Murees Dupé says:

    This is great advice. I should remember this more often. Thank you for sharing it with us.


  6. There is only you – so true! And no one can tell the story the way we can.


  7. Solid advice indeed. Neil Gaiman is one of the few people I’ve never met who I often take advice from. He’s just that wonderful. 🙂


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